Hooroo Channel Manager Test Strategy

These test cases are a guide to help test integration with Hooroo. These tests were built based on our experience testing with other channels. They can't be complete as we don't know the capabilities of your system. Remember, as always checklists are really useful to people that don't need them.

Test Cases

The following test cases are to help you test if you are integrated with Hooroo

Property List - OTA_HotelAvailRS

Property Details - OTA_HotelAvailRS

Ping - OTA_PingRQ

Inventory Count - OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ

Rate Plans - OTA_HotelRatePlanNotifRQ

Booking Rule - OTA_HotelBookingRuleNotifRQ

Reservations - OTA_HotelResNotifRQ

Testing Bookings is done via the test front end, test the following details:

Cancellation - OTA_CancelRQ

Cancel bookings using the outbound section on the API Driver

Receive reservation, test the following details: