Booking Rules Notification

Notification of changes in the rules and restrictions affecting the availability status of the hotel. The message can contain multiple RuleMessage elements, specifying either a LengthOfStay or a RestrictionStatus to close or open a rate. These booking rules apply at the nightly rate level, or can be applied to a range of nights.


InstanceNIf a value of "FullLoad" is provided, the extranet will assume that this message is intended as a full reload of all entities contained in the message, as opposed to a change set of deltas. Entities not contained in the message will be deleted
TypeNAlways 16 (OTA UIT "Reference")
IDNUnique ID created by Channel Management system.
HotelCodeYThe code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property
HotelNameNA text field used to communicate the proper name of the hotel
RatePlanCodeYOffer code. Booking rules are applied to an offer for a room type
StartYThe starting date of the rule change. If a range is given, the rule change will be applied to all included dates. If individual days of the week are specified, only those days will be updated
EndYThe ending date of the rate change. If a range is given, the rule change will be applied to all included dates. If individual days of the week are specified, only those days will be updated
TimeYUsed in conjunction with TimeUnit to define the length of stay requirements
TimeUnitYA time unit used to apply this status message. Always "Day"
MinMaxMessageTypeYMinimum and maximum length of stay. Supported values "SetMaxLOS" and "SetMinLOS"
RestrictionNValid values: Stop_Sell, Arrival, Departure.
Stop_Sell: Identifies availability of inventory.
Arrival: Identifies Closed To Arrival for inventory
Departure: Identifies Closed To Departure for inventory
StatusYValid values: Open, Close. Applies the status to the restriction type.
Restriction "Stop_Sell" with an "Open" status will make the night available for sale.
Restriction "Departure" with a "Close" status will make the night closed to departure.






HTTP status code: 202 Accepted


Where errors contains error messages that are applicable to any portions of the request that were not able to be applied to the system.



HTTP status code 400 Bad Request (client error)
HTTP status code 500 Internal Server Error (server error)